What is Google Gemini

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Google Gemini is a family of multimodal large language models developed by Google DeepMind, serving as the successor to LaMDA and PaLM 2. It powers the generative artificial intelligence chatbot of the same name.

Gemini integrates with Google Workspace apps by providing users access to Gemini, Google’s conversational AI agent, directly within popular Workspace apps like Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides and Meet. Gemini can help users with tasks like writing, planning, learning, creating, and more. Gemini can also chat with users in a new standalone experience that features enterprise-grade data protections. Gemini is available via two plans: Gemini Business and Gemini Enterprise, each optimized for different sizes and tasks.

You can use Gemini in different ways, depending on your needs and preferences. Here are some examples of how you can use Google Gemini in your work:

  • You can use Gemini as a conversational chat interface that lets you search for information, generate text, and create images using natural language prompts. You can access Gemini by going to gemini.google.com and signing in with your Google Workspace account. You can also access Gemini from an app on Android, inside the Google app on iOS, and within Workspace apps like Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet.
  • You can use Gemini as a writing assistant that helps you improve your writing skills and communicate more effectively. Gemini can check spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style, and provide suggestions for clarity, conciseness, and tone. Gemini can also help you avoid plagiarism and cite sources correctly. You can access Gemini’s writing features by clicking on the G icon in the toolbar of Google Docs or Gmail.
  • You can use Gemini as a creative assistant that helps you generate text and images based on your prompts. Gemini can help you create unique and original art, logos, icons, and more. Gemini can also help you write stories, poems, songs, and more. You can access Gemini’s creative features by clicking on the G icon in the toolbar of Google Docs or Gmail, and then selecting Designer or Bard.
  • You can use Gemini as a learning assistant that helps you acquire new knowledge and skills. Gemini can help you find relevant and reliable information, answer questions, perform calculations, and provide insights. Gemini can also help you learn new languages, concepts, and topics. You can access Gemini’s learning features by clicking on the G icon in the toolbar of Google Docs or Gmail, and then selecting Search or Learn.

These are just some of the examples of how you can use Google Gemini in your work. There are many more features and tools that Gemini can offer you, depending on your goals and interests. You can explore Gemini’s capabilities by visiting gemini.google.com and trying out different prompts and modes. You can also learn more about Gemini by reading the documentation, tutorials, and blog posts on the Google AI website.

AI helped me write this story.

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