Finding the Best
Finding the Best: Unique Perspectives
In continuing our conversation on finding the best, we now turn our attention to another historically under-employed group, those with neurodivergence. What is neurodivergence? Neurodivergent conditions include autism, dyslexia, ADHD, and dyspraxia, among other diagnoses. Between 10% and 20% of the adult population has some kind of neurodivergent diagnosis. Hiring…
Read MoreOvercoming Second-Chance Hiring Anxiety
Business owners throughout Southern Oregon are having trouble hiring staff. Turnover rates are high. In times like these, employers need to give “second chance” job applicants another look. Who is a second-chance, or justice-involved, applicant? The term refers to applicants who have been involved with the justice system, whether at…
Read MoreSouthern Oregon Makes a First Impression
By Marta Tarantsey Roslyn Donald, Jackson County Library Services Business Librarian, reminded me yet again that the library card is the smartest card in my wallet, when we sat down for a chat about her role and work in Southern Oregon. Month Four on the job sounded like a good…
Read MoreVets Can Help
Finding the Best is a collaboration between Roslyn Donald and Marta Tarantsey Businesses throughout the US are facing a tight labor market, and small businesses in southern Oregon are experiencing it acutely as well. Focusing on specific job seeker groups year-round or from quarter to quarter can help diversify your…
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