The Extremes
We can choose to live in the extremes, left or right, up or down, black or white. However, the world is dominated by gray, that huge expanse between the extremes. The separation occurs at a place we call a “Fine Line”. Crossing the line is a commitment to a choice, that “Road Not Taken” poem by Robert Frost comes to mind.
“A Fine Line” will be appearing in many publications beginning in June, 2021. A number of topics will be addressed in a short, readable format. They will cover primary industry sectors, public interest items, random thoughts and responses to chosen topics provided by others. A strong effort is always made to stay out of the biased fray of political opinion. When controversial subjects are addressed every effort is always made to share the existence of opposing opinions.

Industry Sectors often in the posted articles:
1. Health and Health Care
2. Technology
3. Agriculture
4. Manufacturing
5. Economic Development
6. Education
7. Business Management
8. Transportation
9. Employment
10. Start-Up Business
11. Random Thoughts
Opening sentences of articles you may see –
- “Sudden Oak Death Syndrome has been devastating Curry County.”
- “Thousands of acres of important crops have not been planted in Centra Oregon this year because there is not enough water.”
- “A Terra Flop is a unit of computing speed equal to one million million (1012) floating-point operations per second.”
- “The United States is the second largest manufacturer by output in the world, trailing China by about $150 billion who stands at over two trillion dollars annually.”
- 5. “Presently Science, Religion and Art all have starkly different views of what reality and truth are. – David Drayer, January 6, 2018.”
- “Americans for Modern Transportation (AMT) supports efforts to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency.”
- “Who is responsible for paying to improve education, end hunger, prevent wildfires, house the homeless, heal the sick, determine infrastructure needs, make our streets safe and to enforce our regulations?”
- “Is America safe?”
Everyone makes choices. Some good, some not so good and some that are terrible.
That’s the way things work. How we make our choices can make our success rates in them much more probable. Sometimes its uncertain.
Our team of experienced professionals will help to better ensure the validity and accuracy of information shared. Please help by suggesting ways to improve the vetting process.
When you want to share your thoughts, please drop me a note. I’d love to hear from you. Really.
Greg Henderson
Greg Henderson is the retired founder of the Southern Oregon Business Journal. A University of Oregon graduate and a six year U.S. Air Force veteran, he spent nearly 30 years in banking and finance. His articles have appeared in dozens of publications concentrating on some 20 industry sectors. Contact him at