The Present We Didn’t Ask For
by Jason D. Norris, CFA Executive Vice President of Research Merry Christmas You Filthy Animal – Home Alone 2, Lost in New York – 1992 That’s how equity investors received the Federal Reserve’s rate hike and comments earlier this week. While expectations were for the Fed to raise the federal…
Read MoreFed Hikes Rates, Market Tumbles
BY: DUY@UOREGON.EDU The Federal Reserve hiked rates as expected at December’s meeting while delivering a more hawkish message than Wall Street was hoping for. Equities tumbled and the yield curve flattened further as Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s press conference wore on. I can’t imagine that the Fed is pleased…
Read MoreForecast of Aviation Demand
Forecasts of aviation activity are used to identify expected activity levels and based aircraft at individual airports in the system. A statewide perspective on aviation activity also affords the opportunity to examine the context for changes at Oregon airports. Where individual master plans or Airport Layout Plans (ALPs) look in…
Read MoreBreak Down Workplace Silos to Build Engagement, Collaboration, and Productivity
By Refresh Leadership in Workplace Does your workplace have a silo culture? It’s a common phenomenon that can affect any business, but is especially prevalent in larger companies with many different departments and more employees. Silos typically form in workplaces when communication between different people, teams, or departments consistently fails.…
Read MoreEconomic Outlook: On the QT … But QT may not be so quiet this time
Commentary by Robert Whelan, ECONorthwest DECEMBER 2018 “On the QT,” a quintessentially American phrase. It means to keep something confidential. Basically, QT is an abbreviation for “quiet.” But there is a new meaning and you will be hearing it more and more in the coming months. This time it will…
Read More“It was so awesome”
“At one time, I had volunteered for hospice care and I remembered how deeply moved I was by a patient’s failure to thrive. I also remembered attending a lighting conference in 2008 where I learned about lighting used in neonatal intensive care that greatly improved the infants’ ability to thrive.…
Read MoreAsymmetrical Pricing
By: Adam Cuppy Starting a business is hard enough; setting your price is like calling the shot blindfolded. You might have heard of “asymmetrical risk and reward,” but if you haven’t, let me bring you up to speed… Asymmetrical risk and reward is when you position yourself so that the…
Read MoreOregon’s Per Capita Personal Income 2017
by Christopher Rich Oregon’s total personal income ranked 26th in the nation in 2017, one spot below the 2016 rank. Data on personal income comes from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce. State personal income captures total income within a state and is…
Read MoreOregon’s Child Care Industry
by Jessica Nelson Social and economic trends over the past 60 years have made child care a workforce issue and turned child care into an industry. The share of women participating in the labor force nearly doubled between 1950 and 2000, before reaching a plateau in recent years. Labor force…
Read More‘World Class’ Research Is Answering Questions About Fish Habitat, Hatcheries, and Genetics
By: John Harrison Fish and wildlife research sponsored through the Council’s Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program into the effects of the ocean, estuary, hatcheries, and habitat on salmon and steelhead survival not only is producing interesting and useful results but is some of the best of its kind…
Read MoreLane County Travel Spending Continues to Grow
by Brian Rooney Data from research firm Dean Runyan indicate that spending in the travel and tourism industry continued to grow in 2017 in Lane County after dropping off during the Great Recession. The graph shows that travel spending in Lane County grew throughout the 1990s and peaked in 2008…
Read MoreEmployment Among Oregon’s Veterans
by Felicia Bechtoldt In 2017, the unemployment rate for veterans in Oregon was 4.3 percent, according to the Current Population Survey. This was the lowest unemployment rate for veterans since 2007, when the unemployment rate was 3.5 percent. Overall, Oregon’s unemployment rate was 4.1 percent in 2017. Across the U.S.,…
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