Study Aims to Improve Broadband in Oregon
Business Oregon is conducting a statewide assessment of Oregon’s current broadband infrastructure and service availability. The assessment will help drive public policy regarding gaps in broadband access, the need for state funding, and strategies for deploying broadband infrastructure statewide.
Broadband is increasingly viewed as essential infrastructure for economic and community development. Earlier this year, the Oregon Broadband Office was established in statute with legislative directives to track the availability of broadband services and help make the business case for broadband investment in unserved and underserved areas to close Oregon’s “digital divide.”
We’re asking both households and businesses to help in the assessment by completing a simple questionnaire developed in partnership with our consultants, Strategic Networks Group. The few minutes it takes to complete the online survey can help make future broadband improvements across the state, particularly in rural areas.
Business Oregon asks that you provide your input today, or at the latest by December 15, 2019 by going to, clicking on the Broadband Assessment link, and completing the survey. On that website, you can also find other resources Business Oregon has in our work to advance broadband availability across Oregon.
A report on findings will be posted at the end of January 2020.
About Business Oregon
Business Oregon is the state’s economic development agency, investing in Oregon businesses, communities, and people to promote a globally competitive, diverse, and inclusive economy. The agency’s services span rural community development and infrastructure financing; business retention, expansion and recruitment; export promotion and international trade; investments in industry research and development and entrepreneurship; small business assistance; and support for arts and cultural organizations.
About Strategic Networks Group
Founded in 1998, Strategic Networks Group (SNG) brings together industry experts and specialists to help communities and regions address the economic, social, and connectivity challenges of enhanced essential services (smart city technologies) and digital infrastructure. Today SNG is globally recognized as the leader in helping clients understand and drive economic and community benefits from investing in digital infrastructure and smart city initiatives. SNG works with communities and regions across North America and internationally, as well as federal government agencies, utilities, and economic and regional development agencies. SNG is recognized as the world leader in the econometrics of digital infrastructure and maximizing the benefits from online applications. Applying their proven methodologies across the globe, they help countries, states, counties, and municipalities maximize the impacts of digital infrastructure investments.