Southwestern Oregon Economic Indicators

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June 2019 (May 2019 Data)

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Oregon’s minimum wage increases on July 1 each year through 2022. There are three ters of step increases based on geography. The next step will increase minimum wage in the Southwestern region and other nonurban countes to $11.00 per hour. In the third quarter of 2018, the share of jobs that paid the minimum wage in Southwestern Oregon ranged from a low of 7.5 percent in Douglas County to a high of 9.1 percent in Curry County. This compares to 7.3 percent of all jobs in Oregon that pay minimum wage. To learn more, read state economist Nick Beleiciks’ artcle or download the Oregon Employment Department’s detailed report.

Industry Gains and Losses (Over-the-year net change in employment) Source: Oregon Employment Department, CES

Sarah Cunningham | Workforce Analyst | E-mail: | Phone: (541) 530-0605

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