Siuslaw Pioneer Museum Receives Critical Funding From Bonneville Power Grant Through Florence Area Chamber Of Commerce

Lifelong Florence resident Del Phelps has had a fear that kept him up at night. But he’s sleeping a little better these days. “An orange glow shows from the window. Soon, it radiates out another. And another.
Before the neighbors can call 911 the entire library wing of the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum is engulfed in a roaring inferno spreading unimpeded into the main building with all its priceless artifacts. The fire department arrives in time to evacuate the block and save…almost nothing,” explains Phelps of his nightmare. Phelps, a direct descendant of Siuslaw region pioneers, local real estate professional, and avid community volunteer, currently serves as the museum’s board president. Local history, and the preservation of it, is his passion.
Today Phelps and the museum’s volunteer board of directors are sleeping sounder and have nearly 88,000 reasons to celebrate.

They set an $88,000 goal for a fire suppression system for both museum buildings and the porch area: $41,000 for the system itself, $25,000 to connect the building to a city water main, and another $14,000 to $15,000 for permits, delays, and some for possible overruns common to projects of this size. “That’s why the board budgeted $88,000 for its Artifact Preservation Initiative,” he explained. Phelps took action and secured a $20,000 private matching grant from a consortium of local families who share his passion for preserving Florence’s past. Other board members went to the community and raised nearly $23,000 to meet the match. Board member Cindy Gentry started applying for grants, gaining an Oregon Heritage grant of $20,000.
Bob and Kay King made a personal contribution of $5,000. In total the group raised nearly $78,000 in three months to preserve the area’s treasure trove of history. But it was a $10,000 grant from the Bonneville Power Administration, gained through a collaboration of Susy Lacer, local professional grant writer, and Bettina Hannigan, president/CEO of the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce, in connection with Tama Tochihara, Senior Historian at Bonneville Power Administration that helped push the group over the top to reach their goal. “We were able to leverage this grant with BPA for use in Florence, and the Chamber recommended the Museum and its fire suppression needs as the recipient. The Chamber asked for and received the grant to protect our community’s historic treasure trove,” said Hannigan.
“Thank you to our dedicated board, key community friends, museum operations manager Harry Zinn, Bettina, Susy, and the Bonneville Power Administration foundation, we’re there; the work on the fire suppression system has already begun,” reported Phelps. “This incredible investment in the museum’s safety and preservation of priceless and irreplaceable artifacts protects this historic building, items brought across the Oregon and Applegate Trails, prized pieces from local first-nations people, industry and household implements from the 1800’s, and archives of directories, yearbooks, and newspapers. Those treasures are an investment in the greater good of this community’s shared story and identity,” he added.
Those wishing to contribute to the museum’s general fund for new acquisitions, preservation, and maintenance can do so online at, by mailing a check to the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum, PO Box 2637, Florence 97439, or by dropping off a financial gift at the museum, 278 Maple St. Contributions of $20 or more come with annual passes to the museum. To learn more about the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum, its exhibits, hours, membership, tours, and admission, visit or call 541-997-7884.
About the Museum: Visitors to the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum are transported through time by a diversity of exhibits showing slices of life from before white settlers made their way to the Siuslaw Region and up to life in the 1950s. On display are two floors of displays featuring items from an authentic dug-out canoe, and first-people’s tools and apparel, to household items of pioneer homesteaders; from early logging and fishing implements to the control panel once used by the drawbridge operator; and one of the first telephone switchboards. Visitors will learn about the hardscrabble life of those who started the logging and fishing industries around Florence in the mid- to late-1800s and see examples of the delicate side of life through the place settings and handiwork of talented lace and quiltmakers.