Project A launches after fire to fill a need for person to person support.

On September 15th, Paul Steele from Project A quietly launched a new service he calls

Southern Oregon Helps is a direct person-to-person exchange website for those in the Rogue Valley, including Ashland, Talent, Phoenix and Medford Oregon during emergencies. No intermediary is involved. Create an Account, then post what you need or what you can provide for others, either in goods or services. Listings expire in 120 days.

Create your own connections by using the form on each listing. Southern Oregon Helps does not manually match listings. Please take safety precautions, and exchange in public spaces.

Your name and email is kept private until you decide to respond to a request. Phone numbers are optional, but will display on the website entered.

After successfully launching in the Rogue Valley, Paul was contacted by other communities and has also launched

Here is what Paul posted on FB to announce the launch. 

Please check out my new site – a new site where you can list specific items you are in need of, or items you can provide. This is a direct, person-to-person exchange site for use during emergencies and beyond.

I am aware there are other needs-matching sites somewhat similar to this out there (and I list some of them on the Resources page), but I felt a more direct approach, with no agency in the middle, could be helpful.

I would really appreciate it if you give it a try and let me know what you think, and help spread the word. I need help getting it populated.

Thanks to Jim Teece and the team at Project A for help getting this launched quickly, and Tina Kneser Siegl for the inspiration and testing, and Susanne Steele for help with the Resources spreadsheet!

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