Port of Coos Bay operated state dredge “Laura” to complete Port of Siuslaw dredging project

Florence, OR – The Oregon International Port of Coos Bay and the Port of Siuslaw have partnered to complete dredging at the Port of Siuslaw inner boat basin. The basin has collected sand and silt to a point where some slips were unusable for the commercial and recreational fleet or were only accessible during high tide. Inadequate depth in the marina has also caused damage to dock infrastructure. The dredging project alleviates these challenges by removing approximately 12,000 cubic yards of sediment from the marina, enabling boats to navigate and access slips safely and efficiently.

“Dredging is of dire importance to Oregon’s public ports as drivers of economic development,” says David Huntington, Port of Siuslaw Manager “This is a project that benefits our marina customers, the waterfront environment, and our entire community.”

The project represents a yearlong planning process between Business Oregon, as the owner of the dredge and related equipment, the Port of Coos Bay, as the stewards of the state equipment, and the Port of Siuslaw. “As the stewards of the state dredge it is important to us to ensure safe navigation throughout the Oregon coast,” says Brandon Collura, Charleston Marina Harbormaster. “I’m proud of the partnerships we have built and the work our guys have done to carry out the project thus far.”  As stewards of the dredge equipment, the Port of Coos Bay takes ownership of all maintenance and operation of the state dredge, “Laura”, and her tender “Ms. Soco” for each dredging project. Responsible management of equipment and dredging operations ensures that projects are carried out successfully, allowing Oregon’s coastal ports to fulfill their organizational missions.  

Since the acquisition of the dredging equipment, the state has helped reduce the cost of dredging in marinas for Oregon ports, allowing smaller ports like the Port of Siuslaw to remain safe and viable. “Our agency is very pleased with the outcome at the Port of Siuslaw – the teamwork necessary to complete the project will help the Port of Siuslaw open anew for business and recreation alike,” said Chris Cummings, Interim Director of Business Oregon. Dredging at the Port of Siuslaw Marina will mark the fourth successful dredging project since the Port of Coos Bay assumed maintenance and operational responsibilities in 2016.

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