Port Completes Phase I of the Tunnel Rehabilitation Project
Coos Bay, OR – In May 2018, the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay (Port) started construction on a tunnel rehabilitation project. This tunnel rehabilitation project is a significant capital improvement project for the nine tunnels along the Coos Bay Rail Line (CBRL). The project will extend the lifespan of the tunnels by 20 years which serve as important structural components of the rail line. The two-phase tunnel project has a total projected budget of $19.9 million.
The Port is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of phase I of the tunnel rehabilitation project. Phase I was focused on completing structural improvements to secure long-term safety and reliability of all nine tunnels. The Port contracted with LRL Construction for the rehabilitation and construction work and McMillen Jacobs as the engineering firm to design and oversee the project. Total project cost was $5 million. Funding sources include a USDOT FASTLANE grant, an ODOT ConnectOregon grant, an IFA loan from Business Oregon, ODOT lottery bonds, and Port funds.
“Thanks to the financial support from federal and state agencies and hard work of our contractors, Phase I of the Tunnel Project was a success,” says John Buckley, Project Manager, “We are excited to have begun Phase II and see this project to completion for the benefit of our rail customers and regional economy.”
Phase II of the project will make drainage and track improvements in six tunnels along the rail line and is scheduled to complete in first quarter 2021. Due to his success in managing Phase I of the Tunnel Rehabilitation, Project Manager, John Buckley will also be overseeing Phase II.
Sound infrastructure along the Coos Bay Rail Line ensures the fluid and reliable movement of hundred million dollars of cargo every year. In addition, this project will facilitate increased growth and expansion of the CBRL to accommodate more customers and cargo volume. The Port is dedicated to the long-term viability of the line as an integral component of our regional transportation system and a critical thread in the fabric of the economy of Southwest Oregon and the State.
For additional information, please contact:
Fiona Bai, Marketing & Media Specialist
fbai@portofcoosbay.com // 541-266-3722