Land Conservation and Development Commission Adopts
Housing Production Strategy Rules
At their meeting on November 12, 2020, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) passed new rules to implement House Bill 2003 from the 2019 legislative session. The primary goal of the bill is to help satisfy unmet housing needs in Oregon through the development of housing production strategies. Forty-nine (49) cities in Oregon with a population over 10,000 will be subject to these new rules. The adopted rules require cities to develop housing production strategies to achieve fair and equitable housing outcomes. These strategies seek to increase housing production while addressing the location of housing, fair housing, housing choice, housing options for residents experiencing homelessness, opportunities for affordable rental housing and homeownership, gentrification and displacement, and encouraging housing stabilization for historically marginalized community members.
“This is a historic moment – created by a diverse volunteer Rules Advisory Committee and staff. We are grateful for their extensive contributions. It’s rare that we have cities telling us we did everything right,” said Chair McArthur after hearing a range of testimony.
Director of the Homelessness Research and Action Collaborative, PSU Professor Marisa Zapata served on the state’s advisory committee. Dr. Zapata advised commissioners of the far-reaching implications of this work: “Oregon has set a standard on homelessness and housing that is the first of its kind in the country. These new rules will incorporate the needs of people experiencing homelessness for the first time in planning for unmet housing needs.”
Commissioner Anyeley, the commission’s liaison to the advisory committee, made the motion to approve the new rules. Commissioner Nick Lelack seconded the motion which passed 5-0.
“The rulemaking process has been very intentional on encouraging equitable housing outcomes for all Oregonians. This work has required the participation of diverse stakeholders not traditionally included in land use decision making processes and a deliberate focus on providing opportunities and eliminating barriers to the production of needed housing”, said Commissioner Hallova. “We look forward to partnering with cities, housing providers, and community organizations to implement these new rules”.
Adopted without amendment, the new rules to implement House Bill 2003 may be found on DLCD’s website here:
With funding provided by the Oregon Legislature via the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), two cities are currently working on prototype versions of Housing Production Strategies this year.
Last year, the Oregon Legislature also passed House Bill 2001 aimed at providing Oregonians with more housing choices, especially housing choices more people can afford. This new law lets people build certain traditional housing types, like duplexes, in residential zones. These housing types already exist in most cities, but have been outlawed for decades in many neighborhoods. The Land Conservation and Development Commission continued the hearing to implement House Bill 2001 to December 9, 2020 where final rules are expected to be reviewed and approved by the commission.