Florence Chamber Updates Membership Options
The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce has evolved in recent years to become a regional catalyst, convener,
and champion of our community’s businesses. Chamber president and CEO Bettina Hannigan is ever eager to
remind people that the Chamber is all about a strong business community that results in a strong economy to
advance the causes of businesses, families, nonprofits, and civic organizations that benefit the greater Florence
“The better and stronger our businesses are, the better and stronger the community is,” she says. “And now it’s
time that our membership levels reflect that too, and to reflect the important contributions our members make.”
Hannigan and her board have changed membership levels from generic sounding names like Distinguished
Sponsor and Corporate Underwriter to reflect what these memberships really are.
Nonprofits and non-business individuals, known as Associate Members at $125 per year, are now Community
Supporters. Business Partners, at $225 per year, or $20 per month, are now more accurately known as
Community Partners. Premier Partners at $500 per year are now Community Influencers. Distinguished Sponsors
are now Community Leaders, which is more reflective of their $2500 investment, and what were known as
Corporate Underwriters are now Community Champions.
“That is more accurate when you consider that Community Champions contribute $10,000 per year,” explains
Hannigan. “Each new name is much more representative of their membership status and investment in the
community. It’s what they truly are. And each receives hundreds, even thousands of dollars back in benefits in
exchange for their commitment.”
For example, according to the Chamber’s membership brochure, a Community Partner receives an estimated
$800 value for their $225 membership, and a Community Champion more than $18,000 in benefits for their
$10,000 investment.
“And like any other organization, you get exponentially more out of it than what you put into it through your
involvement in committees, events, and networking opportunities,” she adds. “We’re not a community service
organization like Rotary, Kiwanis, or Soroptimist; and we’re not a chamber of events though we do produce the
Rhododendron Festival and Wine and Chowder Trails. Those are mostly intended to entice visitors who, on
average, spend nearly $200 per person during an average overnight stay in Florence.”
Under normal circumstances, tourism employs approximately 1900 of the 4600 people working in Florence and
pumps about $147 million into the Florence area economy. The Chamber is the City of Florence’s partner in
promoting tourism.
Businesses, non-profits, and individuals interested in more information about membership and volunteer
opportunities can contact Hannigan at 541-997-3128 or bettina@florenceChamber.com.
press release : 09/08/2021