Amanda Kotler named senior vice president and chief nursing officer for Asante

To streamline and improve nursing operations across Asante, the health system has created a senior vice president and chief nursing officer role. On May 8, Amanda Kotler, RN, BSN, MBA, stepped into this new position.
Kotler began her career at Asante 16 years ago as a nurse in the Heart Center, where she served in a variety of roles for five years. Since 2011, she’s been a clinical manager, director of Inpatient Nursing Services and vice president of Nursing — all at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center. In 2020, nursing oversight at Asante Ashland Community Hospital was added to her responsibilities.
Kotler now leads nursing functions across Asante’s three hospitals in Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass with a focus on streamlining processes, improving efficiency, rebuilding the workforce, creating a system-focused patient care approach and a collaborative nursing culture.
“Amanda is passionate about empowering and developing clinicians in addition to providing high-quality, compassionate care,” said Scott Kelly, Asante president and CEO.
In addition to her hospital work, Kotler oversees Nursing Professional Development, the staff education program that promotes best clinical practices throughout the hospitals.
“Each of us has been through so much as an organization and fought through so many things to be here,” Kotler said. “I’m eager to see how we can evolve and ultimately how we can be stronger as a team.”