A Year in The Making, Dedication of Two Major Additions @ KCC on October 2, 2018
KCC Capital Campaign Exceeds Expectation (9/12/2017)

KLAMATH FALLS – Klamath Community College is thrilled to announce that generous community support has propelled the “Completing the Transformation” campaign past its fundraising goal.
KCC launched the campaign in January, with a goal to raise $650,000 to purchase equipment for the college’s new Work Skills Technology Center (WSTC). When the campaign closed Aug. 31, 128 donors had contributed $760,057.
“KCC is about providing solutions, and we are grateful that the community is supporting us and our commitment to economic development,” said KCC President Dr. Roberto Gutierrez. “The initiatives that help KCC grow also support our community in developing a more talented and robust workforce.”
The WSTC is a $5.6 million project within Phase II of the campus expansion intended to promote local workforce development. The center will house new and current technical programs and serve more than 500 students each year. The center will be a hub for high-wage, high-demand technical programs directly related to workforce needs in the local community and region.
Funds raised in the Completing the Transformation campaign are being used to purchase technology, such as synchronous equipment, computers, conference room equipment, manufacturing program equipment, and wireless network technology that will help students become workforce ready. The extra funds will be used to establish the college’s new Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology program.
“KCC is a five-star economic development opportunity for the Basin,” said campaign co – chair Steven Harper.
During the campaign, 19 donors — including 10 donations of $25,000 or more — provided contributions that allowed them to name spaces in the WSTC, such as study spaces, offices, and classrooms.
“I appreciate everyone who stepped up to support the campaign and economic development and workforce training in our area, as well as those who donated several hours of their own time to work toward reaching our goal,” said campaign co-chair Jim Bellet. “As KCC grows, I hope the county will continue to support the college in its workforce initiatives.”
Throughout the campaign, KCC hosted president tours in which community members toured campus to learn about advances KCC has made in developing specialized career-technical programs, such as diesel mechanics, computer science, and nursing.

Speaker Don Macke asked that question at the Klamath Chamber Economic Summit on September 13, 2018.
He also said that Klamath’s greatest export is its kids.
That stings.
The opening of two impressive facilities at Klamath Community College may be an answer to that question. They’re right here and staying home or coming home after serving commitments in college or military or trainings in their chosen fields.

As a regional leader behind the vision and drive of President Gutierrez, KCC is creating a college-going culture in the region.
To support this college-going culture, KCC has embarked on the Klamath Promise with its K-12 partners by implementing a fifth-year high school program in 2013 and 2014 and establishing a blended K-12-to-college program in which students can earn college credit toward certificates and degrees as early as eighth grade.
Community leaders met in 1991 to discuss ideas about a campaign “to do something”.
Klamath Community College was created to fulfill a community vision for improved prosperity. Starting in 1991, a group of community leaders formulated a plan called the Klamath 2002 Vision Statement. The heart of the 2002 vision statement involved rallying community support for a new community college to improve jobs, the local economy, and the regional quality of life. On July 1, 1996 KCC became the seventeenth community college in Oregon.
Klamath Community College is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity / Veteran / ADA institution embracing diversity. We encourage and welcome women, minority, veteran, and disabled candidates.
