A Few Words from Jim
January 2022
WOW! It’s 2022
It’s the crazy issue. I’m always eager and excited to start a new year. I’m excited about doing a lot of new things in the journal this year.
I’m already hard at work on next months issue and it’s going to be epic.
I’m also considering retiring the virtual print version and getting away from a monthly format and just publish articles every day.
The Southern Oregon Business Journal is a ONE man band. Yes other people contribute articles but I put it all together and have to layout a print version, even though it’s a non print version since the pandemic shut down.
I’d rather just post stories as they come in. But I haven’t figured out yet how to keep my sponsors happy and move completely away from the “print” layout version.
Please let me know what you think.
This months issue has a cool interview feature story on my friends and neighbors new business that started as a “covid project” and has grown into a very cool tool for students. Check out “Majoring In” Helps Students Find College Programs In Gaming, Esports, Beer And Wine on page 16.
Speaking of friends and neighbors, Facebook popped up a memory of a post I wrote back in 2017 today and I re-read it and decided to share with you all here. I hope it inspires you as much as it has my friends and myself. Check out It’s What Neighbors Do on page 34.
Did you hear that McMenamins had a data breach? Ransomeware was installed by hackers and they successfully caused harm to the company by taking out the reservation system, point of sale system for the restaurants and the company email. I’m sharing the story they posted on their site in hopes that each of us entrepreneurs learn from this experience. It is not “if” hackers will cause harm to your business, it’s “when”. What Can we Learn From Mcmenamins Data Breach? Ransomeware And Its Impact on page 29.
My son is at Oregon State University getting a bachelors degree in Forestry so when I saw the post put out by the Oregon Employment Department Oregon’s Forestry And Logging Industry: From Planting To Harvest, I got very excited about the industry and I republished it on page 10.
Hunter just keeps growing. Their press release Hunter Communications Acquires Onlinenw and Xs Media on page 20 showcases how the Medford based Fiber Internet service is growing into other parts of the state. Check it out on page 20.
Finally check out page 8 for the Umpqua Bank 2022 Economic Outlook For Businesses Shows Growth Opportunities Ahead, But Adaptability Remains Critical For Success report.
What are your plans for 2022? Let me know. I live vicariously though you.
Happy New Year.