A Few Words from Greg

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Southern Oregon momentum toward inclusion in state and regional conversations is picking up steam. From Lincoln City to Brookings Harbor on the Oregon coast and Klamath Falls to Prineville along Highway 97 and east to Vale near the Idaho border there has been significant acceptance of what the future will demand and provide. Change is difficult especially when memories of previous generations is solidly imbedded in our sentimental fondness of the way things used to be. Now we’re engaged in creating our own histories as new technologies, potential ecologic and industrial requirements, and the baby boom bubble stepping aside in every aspect of leadership, education and employment, making way for a world that has arrived.
Healthcare, manufacturing, housing, agriculture, traded sector business and the way we govern and are governed with a much larger population – that includes a vastly shrinking world – has in every aspect a need for greater individual participation and knowledge attainment. The way we build houses and where we put them is as important as providing health care services in the most remote regions of our end of Oregon.
Our nervous excitement is a product of the urgency to solve every problem (opportunity?) simultaneously. The resourcefulness we have seen in critical moments of the past ten years proves the talent is here today. Ubiquitous engagement in problem solving exercises throughout southern Oregon has become infectious, spreading from one community to another, from one industry sector to all others.
I am extremely impressed with the generations that are following the Baby Boomers.

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