7 ways organization leaders can increase their likability and effectiveness

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  1. Be positive. If a leader is positive and optimistic, those feelings will spread to others. Conversely, if a leader is angry or frustrated, those emotions also spread.
  2. Display integrity. Leaders who keep their commitments and promises are trusted and more likable.
  3. Cooperate with others. Effective leaders unite employees to work together in a common purpose.
  4. Be a coach, mentor and teacher. Most people have fond and positive memories of coaches and mentors. Helping others develop is a gift that is never forgotten.
  5. Be an inspiration. The most successful leaders roll up their sleeves when necessary and pitch in with the team. They communicate powerfully. Leaders who inspire are more likeable.
  6. Be visionary and future-focused. Sharing a vision of the future and helping team members understand how to get there inspires confidence.
  7. Ask for feedback and make an effort to change. Most leaders rate themselves more likable than their supervisors, peers and direct reports do. Feedback from others helps leaders to understand the impact (positive or negative) that they have on others.

Source: A Study on Likability Among Business Leaders, by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman.

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